
...And the red glow at the rim of the world faded into pink.

10 o'clock. I'm in my bed entering my last passage for December 2nd 2009 and watching Tuck Everlasting. Quite the multi-task if you ask me. Tuck Everlasting. Another cheesy Disney move that I can't help but love. Alexa Bledel as Winnifred Foster in a lacy white gown and a crown of daisies, meets a romantic boy who she embarks on a journey with that any girl would die for. A beautiful fairy tale in its own kind. What I wouldn't give to live one day in the 1800's wearing a long sleeved turtle neck, lacy white dress and my long hair in braids and curls tied with ribbons. Just for a day.

Another 1800's materiality that everyone should indulge in is the classic novel Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. I have only just started it myself and have already been captured by the creative and elegant words of the Pulitzer prize winner. Scarlett O'Hara is a character I can relate to...well, so far. She's not particularly beautiful, but makes up for the loss in wit and strength of will. She is not afraid to speak her mind and knows how to protect herself, yet she is classy and holds her self as a lady in an appropriate manner. Her weakness?...Ashley Wilkes. Of course, the most delightful gentleman in the County of Clayton, Georgia. With golden hair and a tall frame, he was the best rider of all the men in North Georgia, who Ashley differed from immensely. Mitchell writes, "For Ashley was born of a line of men who used their leisure for thinking, not doing, for spinning brightly colored dreams that had in them no touch of reality."

As I read more I will continue to write about it. And with that, I will spin my own brightly colored dreams with my head against my pillow...Good Night.


"...and the unearthly stillness of rural twilight came stealthily down about her."-Gone With the Wind

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